Веселые игровые уроки английского для детей
Игра «Как живешь?» (с движениями)
How do you live?
How do you go?
How do you eat?
How do you sleep?
How do you wash?
How do you dance?
How do you write?
How do you clean?
How do you run?
How do you swim?
How do you draw?
How do you read?
Дети: Like this.
Игра «Цветы в корзине»
Принцесса Флора решила составить красивый букет. Она раздала детям название цветов.
You will be a rose (tulip, poppy, lily of the valley, sunflower, dandelion, pink).
Повторив слова с детьми несколько раз вслух она дает команды: Rose, change places with tulip. Poppy, change placeswith sunflower и т.д.
The bouquet is ready/lets give it to our teacher. ( Дети хором выкрикивают название цветов.)
Физкультминутка- танец
Сlap, clap, clap your hands together,
Step, step, step your feet together,
Bend, bend, bend your head together,
Blink, blink, blink your eyes together,
Dance, dance, dance and dance together.
Музыкальный оркестр» (песня с движениями и музыкальными инструментами)
We can play on the big bass drum
This is the way we do it.
We can play on the violin
This is the way we do it.
We can play on the flute
This is the way we do it.
We can play on the piano
This is the way we do it.
We can play on the guitar
This is the way we do it.
We are meeting together
Guests and pupils and teachers
We are speaking English
Many problems discuss.
We are happy together
We are funny together
We are jolly together
Give me your hand, my friend
Let us de attentive
Let`s be nice to each other,
Look around somewhere
And repeat after me.
Стихотворение - приветствие.
Teacher: Pupils, what do you say in the morning?
Pupils: We say “Good morning”
Teacher: Pupils, what do you say in the afternoon?
Pupils: We say “Good afternoon
Teacher: Pupils, what do you say in the evening?
Pupils: We say “Good evening”
Teacher: Pupils, what do you say in the night?
Pupils: We say “Good night.
Стихотворение приветствие.
Teacher: Hello! Hi! How do you do!
Good morning, dear pupils nice to see you.
Pupils: Heloo! Hi! How do you do!
Good morning, dear teacher nice to see you
Стихотворение приветствие.
Teacher: Good morning pupils! How are you?
Pupils:We are in our places with sunshiny faces.
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