Приложения для изучения английского



Приложения для изучения английскогоПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ для изучения английского для детей №1

One day I saw a yellow duck with feathers on his back,
I said “Good morning, a yellow duck
And she said “Quack-quack-quack”.

One day I saw a timid mouse, she is so shy and sick,
I said “ Good morning a timid mouse,
And she said “Squeeck-squeeck-squeeck”.

One day I saw a curly dog, he met me with a bow,
I said “Good morning, a curly dog,
And he said ”Bow-wow-wow”.

One day I saw a scarlet bird . she woke me my sleep,
I said “ Good morning a scarlet bird”
And  he said “Cheep-cheep-cheep”.

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ для изучения английского для детей № 2
ПЕСНЯ «Звееробика»
The cat is sitting on the window
And she is washing a little face,
We look around too attentively
We can repeat, we can repeat, you ‘ see.

1,2,3-Let us look at me
1,2,3-Let us look at me,
3,4,5-Do it all as mine,
I am good and very happy child.

The stock is standing on his one leg
And he is catching little frogs,
We look around too attentively
We can repeat, we can repeat , you’ll see.

The monkey likes to eat bananas
And she is climbing in the trees,
We look around too attentively
We can repeat, we can repeat , you’ll see.

The fish is swimming in the river
And she is diving very deep,
We look around too attentively
We can repeat, we can repeat you’ll see.

ПЕСНЯ «Where does the tiger live?»
Where does the tiger live?
-The tiger lives in forest
That is where lives.

Where does the rabbit live?
The rabbit lives on farm
That is where lives.
Where does the crocodile live?
The crocodile lives in river
That is where lives.

ПЕСНЯ «Tomorrow we go to the zoo»
Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the zoo
There is a giraffe there and a zebra too
A bear and a monkey, and a cangaroo.

Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the zoo.
There is a donkey there and a cow too
A turkey and a lion, and a hippo.

РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ КРУЖКА  раздает детям карточки с животными. Звучит команда: «A BEAR changes  places with a FOX». Дети меняются местами, перебегая с места на место.

Эта игра является продолжением  предыдущей игры. Дети остаются с картинками животных в руках. Игра  проводится в кругу. Руководитель кружка дает команду: « A HARE hop, hop hop! Дети повторяют хором: « A HARE, HARE, hop ,hop, hop! Ребенок заходит в круг и начинает прыгать. Ведущий продолжает игру словами:» A HARE, stop, stop, stop!”



Дети повторяют слова хором: «A HARE,HARE, stop, stop, stop!». Игра продолжается со всеми участниками.

ПЕСНЯ «We shall buy animals»
We shall buy a little hen I and my grandmother,
We shall buy a little goose I and my grandmother,
We shall buy a little cat I and my grandmother.
We shall buy a little pig I and my grandmother,
We shall buy a little sheep I and my grand mother,
We shall buy a little horse I and my grandmother.

The little hen says-ko-ko-ko,
The little goose says-ga-ga-ga,
The little cat says –mew-mew-mew,
The little pig says-hew-hew-hew,
The little sheep says-be-be-be,
The little horse says-hop-hop-hop
And our sing is stop-stop-stop.

An old man is walking through the wood with his dog. They are walking and suddenly the man is dropping his mitten. A MOUSE  is coming into the mitten. She said: “This is a place, where I am going to live.” The FROG is hopping up to the mitten. She said: “ Croak-croak! Who is living in this mitten?” – I am a mouse. And who are you?-I am a Frog. Let me in!-All right. Jump in.
After a while a Rabbit is coming to the mitten and calling out: “ Hello here! Who is living in this mitten?-We are a MOUSE and a FROG. And who are you?-I am a RABBIT. May I join you?-
All right. Come in.
Some time later a FOX is coming to the mitten. She said: “You-hoo! Who is living in this mitten?
-we are a MOUSE, a FROG, a RABBIT. Who are you?- I am a Frog. May I live with you?- Yes. Come in, please.
F our animals made their home  in the mitten. After a while a WOLF is coming to the mitten.
He said: “ Hello, friends! Who is living in the mitten?-  We are. And who are you?- I am a WOLF. And I mean to get up?-Very well! Go ahead!
After a while a BEAR is coming to the mitten. He said: “ Grunt, grunt! Who is living in this mitten?-We are. And who are you?-I am a BEAR.I am sure you want me , too!-Dear, BEAR,
Everybody wants to get into the mitten. You will not find it easy to get in.-Never mind. I shall manage! - But do not say we did not warn you.
In this moment the old man saw  the losing mitten and took it . The animals ran away to the wood.

Физкультминутка- танец
Сlap, clap, clap your hands together,
Step, step, step your feet together,
Bend, bend, bend your head together,
Blink, blink, blink your eyes together,
Dance, dance, dance and dance together.

"Музыкальный оркестр"
(песня с движениями и музыкальными инструментами )

We can play on the big bass drum
This is the way we do it.

We can play on the violin
This is the way we do it.

We can play on the flute
This is the way we do it.

We can play on the piano
This is the way we do it.

We can play on the guitar
This is the way we do it.









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