Игровая программа на английском языке
В гостях у Маши и Медведя
для воспитанников младшего школьного возраста
Автор программы: Свитайло Елена Александровна, руководитель кружка «Английский театр» КУДО «Центр детского и юношеского творчества»
Цель: активизация лексических единиц по теме «Животные», «Счет», «Мир вокруг нас».
Задачи: развитие навыков аудирования и говорения на основе монологической и диалогической речи;
- развитие эстетического вкуса и привитие любви к животному и растительному миру;
-организация досуга воспитанников во внеурочное время.
Место проведения: актовый зал
Оборудование: сказочный домик, костюмы Маши и Медведя из мультфильма «Маша и Медведь», маски животных, магнитофон, аудиозаписи, елки, макет солнца, лавочки, искусственные цветы.
Ход проведения:
Звучит ключевая музыка из мультфильма « Маша и Медведь». На импровизированную цветочную поляну выходит Медведь.
Поет песню c движениями (дети повторяют движения за ним).
-I am a brown huge hero,
I arrived from the cartoon,
I love working, I love fun,
But my Masha laughs and jumps.
-Let us take balls
And throw the walls.
Let us take balls
Deliver to the hall.
-Bears can walk slowly,
Foxes can walk quickly,
Do as we? Will be free,
We are jolly friends.
-Dogs can bake loudly,
Cats can say sweetly.
Talk as we 1,2,3 .
Talk as we 1,2,3.
Медведь: Сhildren, hi! Glad to see you! Did you see my friend Masha?
She runs and jumps around the wood from morning till night. What a naughty girl! Help me to find her. ( смотрит на девочек внимательно) I see a girl lookslike Masha.
Медведь подходит к девочке и одевает ей сарафан и косынку.
-You will be Masha, hooray-hooray!!!!
Masha: (sing and dance)
- All we know, all we know -1, 2, 3
2. Children like , children like to play with me,
Will be happy, will be jolly, will be strong
Our travelling will be so long!
All together: Hop-hop, 1,2,3
You repeat once more with me,
Hop-hop, 1,2,3
You repeat once more with me.
All we know, all we know-4,5,6
Children like , children like to cut and fix,
Will be running, will be jumping, will be strong,
Our travelling will be interesting.
Children, let us go to the wood. and pick up berries, mushrooms,
Идет музыкальная игра со словами.
-The bear is walking bravely,
He found his young lady,
Let us jump with me
And climb on the tree.
Show me your smile
I don’t say you “Goodbye!”
Дети стоят по кругу. Медведь выбирает Принцессу цветов, надевая ей веночек.
Медведь: You will be a Princess Rose. This is your field. Look , children! There are a lot of flowers here. Children, let us to pick upflowers.
Идет игра «Назови цветочек и его цвет» с использованием искусственных цветов.
Princess Rose: I want to say you a tale about flowers. And you have to act the tale, children.
Идет драматизация сказки «Легенда о цветах», дети получают шапочки с названиями весенних месяцев и цветов и тексты героев сказки.
A TALE about spring flowers
Author: Dear friends! Spring is coming! The sun is shining. The birds are singing. Let us meet spring months.
March: Hello! I am March. I bring the first flowers and green grass.
April: My name is April. I bring young leaves and the birds sing songs to people.
May: I am the youngest spring month and my name is May.
March: My dear brothers! It is time to think about gifts for people.
April: I think , they will be beautiful flowers.
May: You are right. The queen among them will be Rose.
Звучит «Вальс цветов». На сцену выходят дети в масках цветов.
Snowdrop: I am a nice little flower in a white dress. I have no Smile.
Queen Rose: Your name will be a Snowdrop. You will be the first spring flower.
Violet: I am a spring flower too. My dress is violet. I am nice, as you see.
Queen Rose: Your name will be a Violet. You will come after the Snowdrop.
Buttercup: I am a little yellow flower. I like a sun. I like when
it is warm.
Queen Rose: You must come in summer, when the sun shines.
Your name will be a Buttercup.
Bluebell: I am blue like a sky. My dress look likes a bell. I like the sun too.
Queen Rose: Your name will be a Bluebell. You will make fields beautiful.
Cornflower: My colour is yellow . I am wonderful. My smell is enjoyable.
Queen Rose: Your name will be a Cornflower. People will watch your bloom all the summer.
Tulip: I am a spring flower. My dress is red. I have a good smell.
Queen Rose: Your name will be a Tulip, because your dress is red.
Медведь: You are good actors!!!!I would like to drive on the toy-tram.
Take your seats. Wonder your wishesand they will perform.
Идет инсценировка песни « Трамвай наших желаний»
-Sit still, sit straight
When we are together is great!
-It is big and long,
And we are strong.
-It is light and clean,
And we are thin.
-It is white and red,
We are so glad.
-It is hard as lorry,
We are so jolly!!!
Медведь: Our meeting is over. I must go to the wood. See you later!!!!